Tuesday, August 22, 2006

12-month checkup

Today I went to see Dr. Kaminker again for my 12-month checkup. Here are my stats:

Weight: 24 lbs. 9 oz (75%)
Height: 31" (90%)
Head Circumference: 19.5" (>95%)

I'm off the chart on my head size. Maybe it's all this hair?

I got two shots, MMR and Prevnar, one in each arm, and MAN DID THEY HURT! After the shots, Mom had to go feed the parking meter, and Dad stayed with me to console me. Mom said she heard my crying from all the way out in the street! Babies in the waiting room were beginning to feel a tad bit uncomfortable.

I got the green light to start eating more table food off of Dad and Mom's plates. They realized they need to start eating healthier themselves. In a couple weeks after I see the dermatologist for my skin rash, I can start transitioning to whole milk!

Doc said I will probably be able to kick and throw a ball soon. Wow, can't wait!


Anonymous said...

Hi Devin

I've just taken my first look at your blog. I'm so sad that I don't live in LA anymore and I'm missing all these amazing developments that you make all the time! I hope to visit you soon.

Auntie Carolyn

P.S. Your mom and dad have plenty of stories about me, but you should know from me, I didn't realize how much alcohol was in the soju that I drank!

Jolynn Asato said...

You're such a big boy! And soon you will be doing big boy things like kicking and throwing. How exciting.

Tomie is off the charts with the head thing too. It was funny to see her little red blip sooooo far above the growth curve at the doctor's office.

yucaree said...

so, how was the trip to the dermatologist? were they able to tell you anything new? even better, were they able to give you anything to relieve you of the annoying rash and bumps?

i can't believe how gigantic you are compared to maya. you guys are only three months apart but you're almost 10 pounds heavier. craziness!