Tuesday, February 06, 2007

One and a half!

Hard to believe we've made it another month. Here are some recent stunts (literally -- see photo below):

  • Recent pediatrician's visit for his 18-month well-baby checkup
    • 27 lbs, 8 oz (75%)
    • 33" tall (75%)
    • 20" head circumference (95%)
  • Completely off the bottle. Drinks from sippy cups and straws, still likes to turn over his cups, so we are cautious with letting him drink straight out of a cup on his own.
  • Eating mostly table foods. Likes blanched spinach with sesame oil, scrambled eggs, apples, pear, raisins, beansprouts. Loves tofu/miso/fish soup. BONKERS over Goldfish crackers, Cheerios, and any other carb-loaded snacks. Still eats a lot of rice/meat/veggie porridge at daycare.
  • Can use a fork/spoon for most foods. Prefers to feed himself. Uses hands when he's too hungry to mess with utensils.
  • Has been sick twice in the past month...once with some stomach virus that came with vomiting and diarrhea. Now sick with a runny nose and ear infection, but still has lots of energy.
  • New words: house. He's never said, "airplane," quite right -- it always sounds like "air-baby" but now I'm wondering if he's saying "fei-ji" (fay-jee), which means airplane in Chinese. Maybe his babysitter is teaching this to him, but we keep teaching him "airplane" so he's combined the two -- "air fei ji!" In total, we counted about 45 words that he can say.
  • Can identify both sets of grandparents, his cousin Magnus, and his Uncle Eric in photos.
  • Still wants to be held all the time when he's sick - and when he's healthy, he loves to be held before bedtime. My back is KILLING me.
  • Can identify all his bath toys -- Telly, Ernie, Elmo, duck, etc.

1 comment:

yucaree said...

dang -- 18 months?! my, my, where does the time go? and why, oh why, have we not seen you guys in months and months??

i can't believe devin's so *old*! hee hee! sounds like he's plenty of fun (minus the vomiting and diarrhea, of course) and is a bundle of energy. he and maya can discuss sesame street characters when they see each other next. :)