Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Should I be doing this?

This is what my parents saw last night when they parked me in front of the tube. I don't usually get to watch TV, but last night Dad and Mom popped in a Baby Einstein video that I got for my birthday. As I sat like this, Dad and Mom were able to enjoy dinner at a pace that didn't require subsequent surgery for ulcers, execute a decent conversation with each other, and discussed cracking open a bottle of wine in celebration that I remained in one place for more than 5 seconds.

No, I didn't try to eat the phone book. No, I didn't rip off all the electrical outlet covers. I didn't try to chew on Lucy's ear or on Dad's shoes. I didn't scream, I didn't try to tear down the screen door. In fact, I sat like this -- peacefully and absolutely enthralled -- for a good 10 or 12 minutes while the TV screen glowed with psychadelic colors. Whoa, man. It was good.

So, do your parents let you watch TV? If so, how old were you when you started? (Hey, I'm talking to all you other babies out there who still live with your parents and don't shop for your own clothing yet.)


yucaree said...

hey devin, i'm speaking for my children here since they probably don't remember ...

ian started watching television after turning one, just like you. we started him off on sesame street videos only. 30 minutes max. by the time he was one and a half he knew half the alphabet. i know what doctors say about kids and tv, but it's unrealistic to think that babies will not get a dose of tv here or there if their parents/siblings watch any tv. so, if your parents need to have you watch tv for 15 minutes so they can maintain their sanity, then so be it. it's not gonna kill you. although i'm not a fan of the baby einstein videos, the baby einsteins show on disney channel is cute.

maya has not started watching tv solely meant for her. she, of course, sees the tv on a lot since we're a tv-centric family. she particularly likes commercials and shows with music. the other day we caught a few minutes of "peep" on tlc, which she seemed to like. i am, however, going to wait until she's at least one before i sit her down in front of the tv while i jump in the shower. for now, her brother is entertainment enough. :)

yucaree said...

oops, it's not the baby einsteins show on disney channel; it's little einsteins.

btw, did you know that the text on your blog is ginormous? maybe the font size is too big?

Jenni said...

Thanks for your always nice comments on our blog. We're not a big fan of Einstein (Disney), but Maiya loves, loves, loves Elmo and Sesame Street. Something about the high pitched voice that enthralls her. When daddy leaves early during the school year, it is mama's only chance to shower, or eat, or get dressed, or get lunch ready, or do some dishes (pick 1 or 2)... since Daddy's been home this summer, we haven't watched Elmo at all, in fact now that we are remodeling, we have no TV in the house.

BTW, your font size seems good to me, not too big or small.

Jenni said...

And Oh. Maiya started being into Elmo sometime between 9-12 mos. Before that, no real interest in TV. And although she doesn't shop for her own clothes yet, today, she picked out her shirt. Do you want the blue shirt, or the green shirt? She pointed to blue and nodded her head up and down with a smile.

Anonymous said...

hi yucaree and jenni, thanks for your comments. we will check out the sesame and elmo series (i grew up on that myself). yeah, having him SIT for a little at the TV -- it's got a more potent effect for me than tylenol. :-) davis is checking out the issue with the font. seems like internet explorer has the problem, mozilla does not!?