We've taken Devin hiking a couple times now, and he really enjoys it. We borrowed a great hiking child carrier from Davis's co-worker, Janet, since her son Justin has outgrown the seat. Devin really likes it, and when we pull it out he starts screaming, "back pack! backpack!"
Updates this month? He's got new words:
1. Happy birthday (sounds like "happy day")
2. No more (sounds pretty clear)
3. Xie xie ("thank you," in Chinese) - he still also expresses it by nodding his head toward you
4. Basketball (or, "Backetball")
5. Blanket (is "Bangkit")
6. Circle
7. Square
8. Truck (sometimes it sounds like "buck," sometimes much worse.)
9. Elephant ("ehfant")
10. Out
11. Down/up
12. Da tou (Chinese for "big head")
13. Orange
14. Cheek
15. Chin
16. Backpack
17. Big Blue Bus - he LOVES buses
When he finishes eating, sometimes he will bring his empty dish to the sink and try to put it up on the counter. We have his daycare provider to thank for that. He's getting better at shape sorting, and he HATES having his haircut. He loves digging holes in sand and dirt, and he loves poking at water streams with little sticks.
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