Wednesday, November 14, 2007

what the chuck???

OK, so it appears that the template of Devin's blog has changed. The colors are different, the picture space holder which was supposed to host Devin's baby photo is gone, the lily pad which tells us how old Devin is now missing...but Allison is asleep, and I'm not going to bug her about it now. But I'm clearly out of the loop on this. I did not get the memo. Devin hasn't even mentioned this, despite the hours in the car we spend together EVERY FREAKIN' DAY.

Well, I know FULL WELL what's going on. My supposed life of normalcy has been a sham. I've been fed, groomed, and plumped up so that I could eventually become...

...A FEAST FOR THE ARACHNIDS! I *knew* that occasional spittle from Devin wasn't just thrown-up milk...he was trying to spin me into a cocoon!

But that's OK...I'll find a way out. I just have to keep myself from looking like Borat so my son (the human snatcher pod) won't be able to recognize me.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Los Angeles Zoo

ast weekend, we took Devin to the Los Angeles Zoo. We had a great time.
Here are some highlights:

Devin enjoyed the flamingos because he'd only seen them in books.
The photo doesn't do justice to their amazing color.

Devin's favorite was the elephant and we spent a lot of time here. Most of the time we watched her, she turned her back to us so she could rub her butt against the tree trunk to scratch an itch. The kids were all awestruck. Then she peed, and all the kids started shrieking with excitement.

Daddy and Devin watching the gibbons swinging in their cage. Daddy and Mama taught Devin all about the evolutionary functions of brachiation and opposable thumbs. You know, since we were both Anthropology majors in college. Then Mama got worked up about bipedalism and the evolutionary constriction of the human pelvis and birth canal alongside the growth in human heads (is she *still* bitter about that?). The primates that call themselves creationists who were within earshot started feeling uncomfortable with the conversation.

Daddy thinks there is a joke to be made about this photo. Do not make that joke.

By the time we left the zoo, Devin was exhausted (not)...
and apparently in a real hurry to catch his flight with his new elephant suitcase.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

NO star

Last weekend we were running errands with Devin in the car, and it became absolutely critical for everyone's sanity that Devin take...a...nap. Devin was strapped in his car seat in the back, legs dangling and eyes wide open. I he could've literally dug his heels into anything at that point, he would have, but instead, he put up one stubborn fight and refused to nap. After trying to coax him to sleep, then reasoning with him to sleep, of course bribing, then mentally willing him to sleep, and then flat out praying that he'd sleep -- all of which were depressingly ineffective -- Davis tried to sing him to sleep. It went a little something like this:

Davis: Twinkle, twinkle, little --
Devin: NO star!

Davis: How I --
Devin: NO wonder...what you are.

Davis: Up above the --
Devin: NO! World! So! High!

Davis: Like --
Devin: NO! Diamond! In! Sky!

Davis: Twee--
Devin: NO! Twinkle. No Little. No Star!

Sunday, September 09, 2007

I love Borat

On Saturday, Davis had to work and attend a fundraiser, so I took Devin to Long Beach to visit my friend Camille. Our mutual friend Norman also came along, and we met up with Camille at a local cafe near her house. After some coffee and then dinner at a seafood/burger restaurant, we went back to Camille's place to see her new home. She'd moved to Long Beach after returning from a year-long internship in Nebraska (long story), and though she'd moved into her Long Beach home months ago, this was the first time either Norman or I had visited her new place.

Her plaec was great - cute, clean, remodeled, and best of all, she's got stylish furniture and a gay male friend who helped her arrange it all. She gave us a tour of her place, and when we got to the kitchen, Devin started to take all her refrigerator magnets off and throw her pictures, postcards, and newspaper clippings on the floor. He managed to remove most of the stuff that was within his chubby little reach, but then he stopped at one clipping he saw. It was a newspaper clipping of this photo of Sacha Baron Cohen ("Borat") at the Cannes Film Festival in 2006:

Devin looked at the photo carefully, and then he pointed to Borat and said,


Thursday, May 31, 2007

What happened to the months?

Folks, I have to admit that it's getting really tough to remember Devin's age these days. Whenever someone asks me how old he is, I always have to pause and think, count backwards and forwards, do a bunch of arithmetic and calculus, double check it in my head against the coming of August when he will turn 2, and try to remember what I said last month. You'd think I was trying to get into Mensa with all the thinking I have to do around this question, but no one has invited me to a meeting yet.

Finally, after realizing I've run out of countable fingers and toes, I usually blurt out, " months!" and Davis standing next to me corrects me, "No, he's not. He's 22 months." All I know for sure is he's almost two. When I was pregnant and first started taking an interest in little people and life around little people, I never understood why parents always -- unfailingly -- gave their child(ren)'s age(s) in months. Why all that precision? Isn't "a little over one" good enough for a 14 month old? But then, when I saw how much of a difference each month started making in Devin's development, I understood. A one year old is NOTHING like a fourteen-month-old. Despite this fact, though, I still find it hard to keep track of the months. I think I lost track at about....18 months. Or, a year and a half.

This is the long way of saying that I've SLACKED OFF on updating his monthly blog. I went from daily to weekly to monthly posts, and now I've missed...(how many, can't calculate)...months. During this time, he's changed tremendously. He's become more communicative (loud), expressive (frustrated and whiney), and physically agile (bruised). Life has been fun.

This weekend he started feeding himself with a fork and spoon. Literally. A fork in one hand, a spoon in the other, and simultaneously shoveling the food into his mouth with both. I used to worry because we were really into the habit of having to distract him with a toy or some gadget to feed him. Dinnertime was becoming absurd as we'd have to find something new to capture his attention so he'd open his mouth for us to shovel in the food. One night it would be a clothes pin, the next night we'd go hunting through the apartment and pull out a can opener for him to play with. Then it was the telephone. A flash drive (that held the chapters of my dissertation), the camcorder. Each meal, the obsession for novelty escalated. Until we got to the lava lamp. That's when we hung our heads and admitted to having a problem.

He always wanted to do something with his hands, and now I am so pleased that he can use those hands to FEED HIMSELF (and he eats faster, too)! I hope the novelty doesn't wear off soon for him, probably will. Over the past week, he's also become skilled at drinking out of a regular cup (no sippy, no cover, no straw). He can even do it while walking across the living room carpet, without spilling a single drop. Now, *that's* something to boast about.

His favorite activity these days is to run around the apartment and point out all the things for which he has vocabulary. He often goes around like he owns the place, pointing and saying, "couch," "chair," "door," "TV," "Dada," "Go-Go" (Lucy)....and eventually, "Dunno." when he gets to something he doesn't know. In fact, "dunno" is one of his favorite words. When he's mysteriously disappeared around the corner, and everything seems dangerously silent in the apartment, we ask, "Devin...Where are you! What are you doing?"


Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Twenty something months

New words/phrases:

see doctor
see mama/dada
heck-ah-bah (helicopter)
paper, pen
bye-cul (bicycle)
no more
no more sing (usually when Mama's trying to carry a tune)
cut nails
broken...uh! ohhh!
fix it
how many...
watch Thomas (wants to watch his Thomas and Friends video)
freight car
pants on
open door
close gate
fan off/on
eat seel (eat cereal)
dunno (don't know)
happy see you (happy to see you)
see ya
soy (sorry)
hand hoyt (hand hurt)
fire gin (fire engine)
cheap (treat, for Lucy)

can count to ten but gets stuck on 3, 6, and 7

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Recent conversation in a parked car

[Mama is in the driver's seat, Devin is buckled in his carseat in the back.]

Devin: Go...mama.

Mama: No, Devin. Daddy's in the store. We have to wait for Daddy.

Devin: Wait...Dada...

Mama: Yep, that's right. Wait for Daddy.

Devin: Wait Dada.

Mama: Yep. Just a few more minutes and Daddy will be back.

[ 10 seconds later ]

Devin: Bye bye Dada! Go mama.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

20 Months

We've taken Devin hiking a couple times now, and he really enjoys it. We borrowed a great hiking child carrier from Davis's co-worker, Janet, since her son Justin has outgrown the seat. Devin really likes it, and when we pull it out he starts screaming, "back pack! backpack!"

Updates this month? He's got new words:

1. Happy birthday (sounds like "happy day")
2. No more (sounds pretty clear)
3. Xie xie ("thank you," in Chinese) - he still also expresses it by nodding his head toward you
4. Basketball (or, "Backetball")
5. Blanket (is "Bangkit")
6. Circle
7. Square
8. Truck (sometimes it sounds like "buck," sometimes much worse.)
9. Elephant ("ehfant")
10. Out
11. Down/up
12. Da tou (Chinese for "big head")
13. Orange
14. Cheek
15. Chin
16. Backpack
17. Big Blue Bus - he LOVES buses

When he finishes eating, sometimes he will bring his empty dish to the sink and try to put it up on the counter. We have his daycare provider to thank for that. He's getting better at shape sorting, and he HATES having his haircut. He loves digging holes in sand and dirt, and he loves poking at water streams with little sticks.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Poo poo

A couple weeks ago, we bought Devin a toddler toilet -- not one of those fancy training toilets that have flashing lights, blaring music when you pretend flush (cause none of those come with REAL flushing - the only automation is mama or dada emptying out the can). About the fanciest thing on this toilet was a splash guard on the front of the seat. I am merely supposing that it keeps pee from coming out through the front. Who knows. The thing is as foreign to me as it is to Devin. After we took it out of the box, we told Devin this thing was for poo poo and pee pee, and he proceeded to run around the toilet screaming, "PEEEEEE PEEEEEEEEE!!!!!"

Then, he started to throw toys into the hole and stick his hands into it. Davis and my response? Our brains went =fast forward= to the future when we envisioned Devin actually using the toilet AND still throwing stuffed animals, his shoes, his jacket, and my cell phone into the tot-sized commode. That image alone was enough to stop us in our excitement, and it sent us packing the toilet AND instruction manual back into the box as fast as possible, where it has since been sitting for two weeks in the corner of our apartment. Whew. Nice try, we'll pass on this round.

Last night, Davis and I were eating dinner and Devin was running around the living room. He walked up to me, looked up and said, "poo poo." Just like that. Simple, calm, matter-of-fact. "Poo poo." I asked him if he had poo poo'ed, and then I checked his diaper. It was clean, so I went back to my dinner (yeah, hard to imagine, but I am no longer phased by the presence of poop in the course of my eating). Davis and I thought nothing of it - the kid often says things we can't understand anyway. Then Devin walked into the bathroom and started walking around in circles there. Davis went to the bathroom and kneeled down next to him and said, "Do you need to poo poo? Go ahead, just go poo poo."

AND HE DID! He pooped...with warning...and on demand!

We were so ecstatic that we ran around looking for the training toilet, ripped it back out of the box, put it on the bathroom floor next to him and said, "Look! This is where you poo poo! Okay? Okay?" After Devin finished concentrating on his business and after we changed his diaper, Davis and I looked at each other for a moment...and packed the toilet back into the box.

We wonder when WE will be ready for toilet training!

Friday, March 09, 2007

19 months

  1. Still loves Cheerios and yogurt, eating more solid foods now.
  2. Can repeat the alphabet one letter at a time. Sometimes he can anticipate and say on this own the next letter. Has a hard time with the letters L, Q, and R. If he's distracted, we usually lose him halfway to the end, around K. Loves to say the letter O like he's howling at the moon.
  3. Can follow simple commands like, "put your shoes away," "put it back," "give this to Daddy," and "just look with your eyes." For awhile when we told him not to touch things and just "look with his eyes," he'd stiffen up his entire body, lean in close to whatever he was interested in, and open his eyes really wide, rolling his eyeballs around up and down and back and forth to get a real hard LOOK at it. It was hilarious but he's stopped doing that now.
  4. Showing signs of being ready for potty training. Last month (?) he started running into the bathroom whenever Davis or I was in there doing our thing. He'd watch and scream and point, "pee pee!" These days, when he pees (we assume he's peeing), he'll stop whatever he's doing and look down at his diaper and grab his diaper. This morning when he was walking to the car to go to daycare, he yelled, "PEE-PEE!!!" at the top of his voice, stopped midstep, and stared at his diaper for a bit, then continued walking to the car. When he's in the bathtub, he'll stand up and stare down at his crotch. When Davis tells him, "no no, don't pee-pee," he'll hold it. At the end of the bath before draining the tub, Davis says, "okay, Devin, go pee-pee," and he'll pee in his bathwater on demand (eww...). This weekend, we are going to find some books on toilet far, we've just been winging it.
  5. Is learning his numbers, though it's hard to understand what he's saying. When we say, "one," he responds something like "thwoo," then we say, "three," he says, "coor." After that, it's pure alien dialect.
  6. Allows us to clip his fingernails if he's somewhat distracted (like with a book). Sometimes he'll even watch Davis clip his nails, but he gets frustrated and can't watch more than two fingers at a time. HATES having his toe nails clipped. We have to do it WWF style - basically I sit on Devin, and Davis clips.
  7. Allows us to brush his teeth without much struggle. In the mornings, he walks up to me when I'm brushing my teeth and begs for the "buhsh" (brush). I usually give him my toothbrush after I'm done. He sticks it in his mouth and pretends to brush his teeth with it, and then he runs around using it to point at things around the apartment (like the dog). Next time I brush my teeth, I have to go hunt it down (usually I find my toothbrush somewhere under the couch or behind the TV set, covered in dog fur).
  8. Lately has been crying whenever we leave his crib at night before he falls asleep. I try to walk away to teach him that crying won't help, but it is HARD TO DO. He's been waking up around 5 in the morning, too, crying until one of us goes in to stroke his head. Eventually he'll fall back asleep, but sometimes it requires one of us to sleep on the futon in his room. He'll periodically sit up in his crib to make sure we are there, then he'll go back to sleep.
  9. Loves to ask for "Yeh yeh" when he sees my computer. He's asking to see his grandfather on the webcam.
  10. Loves to look for loose coins and put them in his golden piggybank.

Think: "Rocky" Theme Song

Every night after his bath...

Monday, March 05, 2007

Me and the moon

Santa Monica beach, 2/24/2007

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Happy Lunar New Year!

Happy Lunar New Year, everyone!

Mom's tradition on Chinese New Year is to clean and organize the apartment, get new shoes, and get a haircut before the new year, and then eat jiao-zhi (dumplings) on new year day. Well, I guess you could say that we did all that last weekend, only -- in typical Mama style -- two days late on all the pre-new year arrangements, and uh...skipped the whole "cleaning the apartment" part altogether! But we did get out to eat some tasty dumplings and of course we did that right on schedule!

Here are some photos of my new furniture, hanging out on the new year weekend in my new shoes, and my haircut. We were too busy eating to take any pictures of the dumplings (sorry).

Handyman helping Daddy put together my new table and chairs!

The end result...FRESH!

Hanging out on a sunny LA afternoon in my new shoes!

And my favorite Thomas the Train Engine shirt that I got from Ian...

For some unknown reason Daddy and Mama decided they would buy haircutting scissors and do my haircut themselves. I was nervous because I saw Mama go on the internet and she Googled, "how to give a boy's haircut." That was not a good sign. But you judge for yourself. Here is my BEFORE shot:

Mama cut the front of my hair. I have to admit, "not bad for someone who normally crumbles into a withering piece of uselessness when I'm wailing at the top of my lungs" -- and I was letting her know I was NOT happy as she was cutting my hair. But she stuck through it without sticking anyone with the scissors. God bless. Below is the AFTER shot of my haircut. Actually, I think it's quite stylish with a shaggy twist in the bangs, perhaps a little more thinning needed on the sides, and I'm not sure the sideburns thing suits me at this age. But all in all, a decent effort and at least it's even. HOORAY for Mama! She also cut the back of my hair, but after she left the bathroom, Daddy took over to do a little retouching. I noticed that he had NOT read the online information about how to cut hair because this was the end result:

No worries about the red splotches on my back, that's the aftermath of another heat rash/eczyma breakout I had last week when it was really hot here in LA -- at least that is covered by my shirt when I'm dressed. I actually have to go out in public looking like my head was sent through a woodchipper.

Someone told my Daddy, "yeah, that's why hairstylists and barbers have LICENSES."

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

One and a half!

Hard to believe we've made it another month. Here are some recent stunts (literally -- see photo below):

  • Recent pediatrician's visit for his 18-month well-baby checkup
    • 27 lbs, 8 oz (75%)
    • 33" tall (75%)
    • 20" head circumference (95%)
  • Completely off the bottle. Drinks from sippy cups and straws, still likes to turn over his cups, so we are cautious with letting him drink straight out of a cup on his own.
  • Eating mostly table foods. Likes blanched spinach with sesame oil, scrambled eggs, apples, pear, raisins, beansprouts. Loves tofu/miso/fish soup. BONKERS over Goldfish crackers, Cheerios, and any other carb-loaded snacks. Still eats a lot of rice/meat/veggie porridge at daycare.
  • Can use a fork/spoon for most foods. Prefers to feed himself. Uses hands when he's too hungry to mess with utensils.
  • Has been sick twice in the past month...once with some stomach virus that came with vomiting and diarrhea. Now sick with a runny nose and ear infection, but still has lots of energy.
  • New words: house. He's never said, "airplane," quite right -- it always sounds like "air-baby" but now I'm wondering if he's saying "fei-ji" (fay-jee), which means airplane in Chinese. Maybe his babysitter is teaching this to him, but we keep teaching him "airplane" so he's combined the two -- "air fei ji!" In total, we counted about 45 words that he can say.
  • Can identify both sets of grandparents, his cousin Magnus, and his Uncle Eric in photos.
  • Still wants to be held all the time when he's sick - and when he's healthy, he loves to be held before bedtime. My back is KILLING me.
  • Can identify all his bath toys -- Telly, Ernie, Elmo, duck, etc.

Friday, January 12, 2007

17 months young

This past month, I have a few more accomplishments to brag about:

  • When I wake up, the first word out of my mouth is often, "CAR!" I *love* cars. Lucky for me, they are everywhere in LA so I am easily entertained. My next favorite word is, "airplane" and the skies here are busy too.
  • I can now do 360-degree spins when Daddy throws me up in the air.
  • New words: hot dog, ball, horse
  • I can point to pictures in my books when Mama or Daddy ask. I can identify the butterfly, flower (and I'll sniff it too), ball, drum, baby, door, telephone, and animals like rabbits, dogs, cats, and ducks. When Daddy or Mama ask me to point to the pants in the book, I always point to my dresser.
  • At the playground I can climb the rock wall. I mostly use my arms to pull me up. I love to go down the slide on my belly, feet first. I'm gearing up for my next stunt, which is to go down the slide head first. I saw another boy do this and I am very curious about it.
  • I like to take walks around the neighborhood with Daddy, Mama, and Lucy. I can walk about two square blocks with a little bit of resting here and there.
  • I haven't had a bottle in about three weeks. I'm getting really good at sipping out of a regular cup and won't spill a drop as long as someone is holding the cup for me. I am starting to try to hold the cup myself. Mama and Daddy stopped giving me a straw because all I do is blow bubbles and leave chunks of chewed up food in my drinks.
  • I love to watch the Elmo DVDs that my Jiu Jiu (Uncle Eric) gave me for Christmas. I love Elmo, but get really bored whenever the cartoon parts come on.
  • I'm becoming a pro at letting Daddy brush my teeth at night.
  • I'm still obsessed with wheels.
  • With a lot of repeated requests and persistence, I can be convinced to lay down on my own on my diaper changing pad. Sometimes I will pick out a diaper before I lay down for a changing -- again, with a lot of encouragement.
  • Everynight, Mama tells me when I have five minutes, and then one minute, left before I have to go to bed. Whenever she does this, I start to whine and then I hurry up and get my books ready for reading time.
  • Yesterday, Mrs. Tran (my daycare provider) called Daddy around 4:00 in the afternoon to ask whether I'd slept well the previous night. Daddy said I seemed normal, but Mrs. Tran was worried because I'd started my nap at 11:00 AM and hadn't woken up since. She reported that I wasn't running a fever or anything, and wanted to know what she should do. Should Daddy call the doctor, or come pick me up early, or...? Daddy said immediately, "Wake him up now! Please, for the love of God!!!" Despite their worrying, I did sleep that night -- very well, I might add -- so maybe this is the sign of a growth spurt coming on. LOOK OUT!