ast weekend, we took Devin to the Los Angeles Zoo. We had a great time.
Here are some highlights:

Devin enjoyed the flamingos because he'd only seen them in books.
The photo doesn't do justice to their amazing color.

Devin's favorite was the elephant and we spent a lot of time here. Most of the time we watched her, she turned her back to us so she could rub her butt against the tree trunk to scratch an itch. The kids were all awestruck. Then she peed, and all the kids started shrieking with excitement.

Daddy and Devin watching the gibbons swinging in their cage. Daddy and Mama taught Devin all about the evolutionary functions of brachiation and opposable thumbs. You know, since we were both Anthropology majors in college. Then Mama got worked up about bipedalism and the evolutionary constriction of the human pelvis and birth canal alongside the growth in human heads (is she *still* bitter about that?). The primates that call themselves creationists who were within earshot started feeling uncomfortable with the conversation.

Daddy thinks there is a joke to be made about this photo. Do not make that joke.
By the time we left the zoo, Devin was exhausted (not)...
and apparently in a real hurry to catch his flight with his new elephant suitcase.
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