Wednesday, September 19, 2007

NO star

Last weekend we were running errands with Devin in the car, and it became absolutely critical for everyone's sanity that Devin take...a...nap. Devin was strapped in his car seat in the back, legs dangling and eyes wide open. I he could've literally dug his heels into anything at that point, he would have, but instead, he put up one stubborn fight and refused to nap. After trying to coax him to sleep, then reasoning with him to sleep, of course bribing, then mentally willing him to sleep, and then flat out praying that he'd sleep -- all of which were depressingly ineffective -- Davis tried to sing him to sleep. It went a little something like this:

Davis: Twinkle, twinkle, little --
Devin: NO star!

Davis: How I --
Devin: NO wonder...what you are.

Davis: Up above the --
Devin: NO! World! So! High!

Davis: Like --
Devin: NO! Diamond! In! Sky!

Davis: Twee--
Devin: NO! Twinkle. No Little. No Star!

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