Called off plans to go to the Hollywood Bowl (sorry, Hope and Dawn!)--he was cranky and the thought of having to navigate through crowds and traffic with no idea what was wrong made it a no-brainer. When we got home and took off his shoe, we found a blister on his heel. Also strange.
The next day, the welt turned into a bigger, nastier infection with oozing pus, and that blister ballooned to the size and shape of a slug. A whole team of docs was stumped: three doctors and a resident intern were poking at him. (Apologies to the faint-of-heart.)
A second visit to the clinic the following Saturday yielded two anti-biotic shots to his butt, and Devin howled in pain (man, it *looked* like it hurt!). He was a real trooper though, so we paid him back with his first taste of a lollipop, treated him to his first movie theater experience to watch Wall-e.
So getting sick or hurt doesn't always turn out to be so bad, right?
Oh yeah, and Allison and I just celebrated our 5-year anniversary. Things sure aren't like what they used to be.
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