I've got better things to do than play with the tags on this blanket, like gnawing on the wood of my crib like a little woodchuck, and figuring out how to bust out of the safety gate to my room like a wrongly imprisoned woodchuck. (Did you know a woodchuck is the same as a groundhog?)
Dad is modeling the blanket here, front and back. As you can see, he was pretty exhausted, too, after she made the blanket. He patiently pushed me in my stoller all around the fabric store while Mom turned the place upside down looking for something called "chenille." What the heck is that? She didn't know, either, but just knew it was soft...I'm not sure if she found it in the end, but she emerged from that chaos with something fuzzy.

Mom got the idea for the blanket (okay, okay, she simply copied it) from her friend, Yukari, who also gave us all that neat ribbon you see in the photos (thanks, Yukari!). Yukari's got a photo of her blanket on her blog, too. Maya loves hers!