Friday, August 05, 2005

Feelin' pretty darn good...

Everything looks like a 1950's TV cartoon to me: people with big noses and wide mouths in black and white. They're also beginning to make strange sounds and facial gestures that I can't quite make out yet (like "goo goo", "eeee! So tinyyyy!", or "looky at dat tiny nosey poo!". They all look like they've been breathing a little too much of the hospital air.

The doc gave me the a-OK to go home, but Mom had to stick around for another night...though Mom had a relatively mild labor, her recovery has been a kinda rough on her body. Boy, do I feel lousy over what I put her through. Daddy has been taking real good care of her, and has been most *excellent*! :-)

But "AHHHH..." I got treated like a king today! As Tom Sogi would say, "Is this the life or what?" Look at these pictures, and you'll see what I mean.

1 comment:

yucaree said...

clearly, this post was "influenced" by dad!

"minor labor" -- ha!