I would also like to take this opportunity to recap the past few months and offer reflection on my life outside the womb. Faithful readers and blog enthusiasts, where do I begin to continue my story? Oh yes: monkey business. Let me begin by telling you that I have lost all the hair on my back and shoulders that I was born with. Mom was pretty disgusted around Month Two when she found pieces of my back hair that had rubbed off and was stuck to my cradle mattress. But it's a relief knowing that I won't be going through life swinging from trees and dragging my knuckles on the ground. Here's an idea of what I'm talking about, for those of you who never got the 0pportunity to behold my glorious fur.

The photo above was taken on August 8, when I was five days old. And no, that's not a dark shadow cast across my shoulders; that's hair. The photo below was taken last night, after I completed a promotional trial of laser hair removal therapy (c'mon, we live in LA).

So as you can see, I've changed quite a bit. Most obvious to even the untrained eye, however, is my weight gain. To offer some perspective, here are BEFORE and AFTER photos of me in the same shirt. The fact that I've been wearing the same shirt for three months also gives you an idea of how inept Mom and Dad have been at buying me clothes that fit.
This photo was taken when I was two weeks old:

And this one was taken a few days ago:

Some other updates of interest: I have started talking in full sentences and often in iambic pentameter, although no one seems to understand me except Lucy. We seem to share a common repertoire of demands: Feed me, cuddle me, clean up my poop! Lucy's list also includes, "scratch my butt," but I haven't asked for that yet.

On my eating progress, I upgraded a month ago from 4-ounce bottles to 8-ouncers. These new bottles are as tall as my legs, and Mom likes to wrap a brown paper bag around it when she feeds me in public. But that doesn't keep me from consuming any and all of what Mom and Dad put in them, whether it's formula or breastmilk. Heck, I'm not picky. I'm eating anywhere from 4 to 6 ounces each feeding, about 6 to 8 times a day, averaging about 34 ounces daily. I don't know why Mom and Dad don't just call it even and let me knock back the days with a cool tall forty.

I'm starting to suck on things a lot, like my entire fist or Dad's knuckles (tastes like chicken), and whatever toys I can manage to hold onto and guide into my mouth. Mom and Dad bought me 14 new bibs over the weekend. There was some issue about how much drool-drenched laundry I generate, but I am so totally worth it!
No pictures are capturing the chipmunk cheeks! They are soooooo cute!!!
happy 100 days, devin! glad to hear that you were a good boy on your overnight trip (the margaritas must've helped, huh?).
and sleeping through the night?! you're not doing this on occasion to get your parents' hopes up, are you, young man? not that a parent's love can be measured, but trust me on this one: they *will* love you more if you sleep through the night every night! ;)
so glad to see that you're blogging again -- i'll have maya come check out your pics so she'll know who you are when you come to visit.
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