Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Nine-month measurements

Today I went to my doctor's office for my nine-month checkup. Same old, same old...you know, a lot of talking between the doc and my papa and mama about my sleeping and eating, along with some poking and weird lights in my eyes. Among some new news is that I can start eating cheese, yogurt, and cheerios this month. Next month, however, I get to eat eggs. Doc said my physical exam was "wonderful."

I now weigh 22 pounds and 8 ounces (85th percentile), and measure 29" long (75th percentile). The whopper of the news, however, is that my head is 18.75 inches in circumference (95th percentile). Yes, you read that correctly -- NINETY FIFTH percentile...Out of 100 boys my age, I am number 5 in line if you arrange us by the size of our noggins. My head must be really huge because Doctor Kaminker actually measured my head TWICE to make sure the first reading wasn't a mistake.


yucaree said...

brains ... brains ... brains!

that's all i gotta say about mr. 95th percentile. :)

Jolynn Asato said...

of course he's got so much brains, look who his parents are!!!

i expect that at his next appointment, he'll have the biggest head of them all.