Monday, July 24, 2006


Well, seeing as I have so little time these days (been busy at day care) to post to my blog on a daily basis, I have to give at least a 11.5 month update.

1. Now eating spiral pasta with Mom's homemade mush: either chicken with sweet potato and apricot, or chicken with veggies. Mom cooks the chicken, then blends it with different combinations of veggies like carrots, celery, onion, zucchini, etc. She's going to try eggplant next.

2. Now with EIGHT teeth -- four on bottom, four on top. The drooling has started again, so I think the molars are coming in.

3. I have developed a habit of biting Mom's ankle and Dad's leg whenever I want to express affection. Watch out. Especially when the molars come in.

4. I took my first sip out of a straw a few weeks ago (no more sippy cups - been there, done that). Last weekend I figured out that I can blow bubbles and create some really nasty looking backwash. I also like to take a sip of water, then open my mouth, making me ready to enter a wet T-shirt contest.

5. I chase Mom around on the futon by crawling at her like a mad dog (see also #3 above), and I also try to crawl away from her when she comes after me.

6. I took my first step last weekend, then fell over right afterwards. A couple days later, I realized that I can take steps and NOT fall over if I hold onto the furniture. So I am officially cruising. Watch out.

7. I am now 31 inches tall. That, my friends, translates to 2' 7".

8. I now get my baths in the full adult "real" bathtub instead of the little plastic version.

9. When I hear music or singing, I bounce around.

10. When Mom or Dad read a board book to me, I can turn the pages on my own. I especially like turning the pages fast when it's a boring story, and I also like turning the pages back to the front cover to remember what we're reading.


yucaree said...

congratulations, lil' cruiser! wow -- you'll be walking in no time and then we'll *really* have to watch out!

maya is a biter, too. you two are definitely going to get along. :)

looking forward to seeing you next weekend for your birthday.

Jenni said...

Cruising, walking, next is running!