1. I'm increasing my vocabulary. I now say (repeatedly) "ta ta ta tah," "wowww," "dada," "hoooo," and "goooo." When I get sleepy and nuzzle my face into my blanket, I say, "goy goy goy goy." When I watch poker tournaments on TV with Dad, I say, "aaallll innnn!"
2. Mama and Lau Lau (grandma on mom's side) took me to the LA County Arboretum, where I saw peacocks, up close and personal. When one of them (the peacocks) started to squawk at me because he wanted my banana, I started crying.

3. I had my first auditions. One with Kindercare for a commercial and another with Target for print advertising. I was a shoe-in for Target, but the clothes were too big for me. I loved seeing all the lights and looking at all the new people, and I did a fantastic job just being myself.
4. I now have four teeth on the bottom row, and three up top. I am eating steamed veggies, tofu, avocado, bananas, chicken/turky and rice, and I love Cheerios. I tried eggs and yogurt this month, too, and after the yogurt incident, I developed a weird rash all over my body. Am I yogurt-intolerant? Hard to tell. That same day I also had sunscreen slathered all over my little body, and it's been extremely hot. So I'm not sure what exactly caused me to look like I barely survived a brawl at the local saloon.

5. I love to play with the wheels on my stroller. I often sit next to my folded stroller and spin the wheels for ten or fifteen minutes. Then I try to eat them.
6. I am showing no interest in walking, but I am really good at standing up. I can even stand without holding onto anything, for 1o-15 seconds. I can go from a squatting position with my hands on the floor to a standing position without holding onto anything, too!

7. I've been promoted to Size 4 diapers, and I got new shoes, too.
8. I understand "no" -- mama and papa certainly say it to me enough. When they tell me "no," I just shake my head to show them I understand but then continue to put electrical extension cords in my mouth, or assault mama's hand-painted decorative wooden ducks.
9. When papa says "GO Korea" in Korean, I raise my hands up over my head in victory!
10. My nap schedule is getting a little more regular - well, mama and papa are just beginning to figure it out. I wake up in the morning around 6:30, then I take a short nap around 8 (usually my car ride to my babysitter). I take a longer nap around 10:30, and then another nap at 2. Then, I take a short nap (usually my car ride home) around 5:30. The past week, I've started waking up and crying in the middle of the night. Mama and papa have recently been letting me cry myself back to sleep the past couple of nights. Last night, I cried for 40 minutes before I fell asleep.
1 comment:
yikes! i hope he's not yogurt-intolerant, although that rash seems suspiciously like a food allergy.
i say this every month, but i can't believe how much he's grown and developed! isn't the awesome-est thing when they start understanding speech and trying to use it themselves?
looking forward to seeing you guys later this month and hearing all about the auditions. :)
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