1. New words this month (some require more prompting than others): Yeh Yeh (grandpa on mom's side), Halmoni (grandma on dad's side), Haraboji (grandfather on dad's side), Go Away (no translation needed), water, car, turtle, airplane, owl, baby, door, ball, mine. Unfortunately, he still refuses to say Lau Lau (grandma on mom's side) and Jiu Jiu (uncle on mom's side)....sorry, Lau Lau and Jiu Jiu!
2. Beginning to throw tantrums. This morning he pushed a 10-pack box of Diet Coke to the edge of the kitchen floor where the carpet begins, and when the box wouldn't budge further and I made no attempt to help him, he threw himself face down on the kitchen floor, screaming, crying, kicking, and pounding the floor with his little fists.
3. Showing definte signs of athleticism (or sheer bruteness). I took him to a Gymboree class this week to try it out, and he was the only kid who could climb up the rock wall. He didn't even break a sweat...just plowed up the thing like a machine. Of course, once he got to the top, he couldn't follow the teacher's instructions to get back down.
4. Loves to be thrown up into the air. Daddy does this best. He will even do 180-degree turns.
5. Continues to love books. His new book is "Head to Toe" and he follows along with the animals. He can turn his head like a penguin, bend his neck like a giraffe, raise his shoulders like a buffalo, arch his back like a cat, wave his arms like a monkey (his favorite), thump his chest like a gorilla (his next favorite), wiggle his hips like a crocodile, bend his knee like a camel, kick his legs like a donkey, stomp his foot like an elephant, and wiggle his toes like a boy. And, Mama can recite the book from memory as you see here like a parrot.
6. Has learned how to give a real kiss, not just leaning his forehead into you. His new and improved kissing technique comes with the smooching noise.
7. Walking long distances. Can push his car/walker around the block when we take Lucy for a walk. The walker is not really there to help him walk anymore, but keeps his attention occupied so he doesn't run wild. He can turn corners with it, too. He also can step down a step or two without assistance and without descending backwards.
8. Gets upset when he thinks he's hurt me, like when he clocks me in the head with his board book or jams his push car into my leg.
9. More playful. Getting more interested in his stackable cups and shape sorter, and with lots of encouragement, he can kick and throw a ball. Loves to play with our keys, sticking them into keyholes, and trying to turn the doorknobs.
10. Seems to have weaned off of his morning bottle - has been drinking his morning milk with a sippy cup or straw for the past week. Has gone to bed two nights in a row now without the bottle. This morning, though, he caught a glimpse of a bottle on the kitchen counter and he started reaching out for it and whining. We hope he doesn't fall off the wagon. The next step is to get his day care provider to cut the bottle before naps. Done -- D.O.N.E. -- with his pacifier!