Today I asked my mama to write a few thoughts about motherhood. Here she goes:
Hello to all of Devin's friends and family. Here's what life is like as a new mom for me. If you choose to switch places with me and live life in my shoes, be prepared for a wild time hauling around a ton of baby gear wherever you go, enduring earth-shattering screams, back-breaking manual labor lifting the baby, and being covered in spit-up. I hope you are ready. I also want to prepare you for the shock of finding out that you now are missing a good portion of your brain, as well as your ability to form full and comprehensible sentences. You will also lose much of your hair (yes, I am going bald and it sucks). I also hope you are looking forward to minor bouts of postpartum depression here and there, feeling like your marriage is about to crumble to pieces, and addiction to bad television programming.
Gone will be your days of being spontaneous, footloose and fancy-free...replaced by sleepless nights worrying about how the hell you will afford a new set of (larger sized) clothes for your new body, let alone tuition for your baby's college. You will never spend money on yourself or your appearance ever again -- and it will show. You will be moody and you will take Tylenol by the spoonful. Come dressed in a lot of black with dark rings under your eyes and stringy hair, and be prepared to snarl at people while you robotically slam down a stiff drink at 6 AM for breakfast. And of course, you will mix these drinks that get you through the day with the use of only one hand. (You will never again accomplish anything in life that requires the use of two.) Yes, this is what motherhood feels like.
If you choose to switch places with me, however, I wouldn't let you because Devin is the most exciting part of each day that I live and I wouldn't trade him for even a few steps in someone else's loafers, no matter how exotic, cushy, or fashionable the shoe. Mine fit fine as they are, and I am so lucky to be his mother.
Monday, December 05, 2005
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Will you marry me?
Today we visited my girlfriend, Maya. She's a cutie, don't you think? She's a little over two weeks old in this picture, and was born November 4. We've got a lot in common, she and I: we were both born around the six pound range (Maya at 6 pounds and 5 ounces, me at 6 pounds and 15 ounces), and around 20 inches long (Maya: 19.5 inches, Me: 20 inches).

And her family ain't too bad either. I gotta behave around her big brother, though.

I'll wait about twenty years for your answer, Maya. So take your time and think about it. Maybe this picture of me will help you decide.
Whaddya think?

And her family ain't too bad either. I gotta behave around her big brother, though.

I'll wait about twenty years for your answer, Maya. So take your time and think about it. Maybe this picture of me will help you decide.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Monday, November 14, 2005
A wedding? And another one?

In the past two weeks, I attended two weddings. The first one was for my dad's cousin, Kevin who married Se Ryun. The second wedding was for mom's friend Steffen, who married Elana. Kevin and Se Ryun had a Korean wedding, and Steffen and Elana had a Jewish wedding. I'll let you figure out which pictures are of which weddings.
Sunday, November 13, 2005
I've got...personality

So finally, their powers of observation have kicked in now that they've adjusted to sleep deprivation, and Mom and Dad have figured out a few things about my personality:
1. I like to smile, laugh, and talk; but I get the hiccups when I get too excited.
2. I make friends easily with stuffed animals.
3. I'm precious in the morning and cranky in the afternoon.
4. I'm ticklish under my arms when I'm being undressed for my bath.
5. I love baths.
6. I am generally a happy baby, except I will shatter glass with my scream if I'm hungry.
7. I'm a 2-faced devil: I'm adorable, cute, and well-behaved in public, but I look forward to coming home and raising hell.
8. I like physical actvities like being tossed into the air, riding on Daddy Race Car, having my swing turned up to level TEN, and being rocketed around the apartment with a jet-pack on my back.
9. I hate being swaddled and insist on having my arms free when I sleep.
10. I like to stick my feet into my own poop when I'm having my diaper changed.
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Oops, I did it again
For the third time now since I was born, I slept through the night last night. The first time I did it was on the night of November 1, 2005. Mom and Dad have declared that date a national holiday, Hallelujiah! Last night I went to bed around midnight after we all watched Commander in Chief (I'm picking up tips on how I will run my 2040 Administration). Afterwards, I got my bath and a bottle of Magic Milk (that's breastmilk that has been blessed by sleepy monks somewhere in Tibet). Many many monks must've prayed over that breastmilk because I didn't even wake up for a diaper change.
This weekend I turned 100 days old, which is a big Korean deal. To celebrate, we spent the night with Grandma and Grandpa on Dad's side in Phelan, which is about two hours away from LA. We had a great time, and I got lobster- and steak-flavored breastmilk that evening. I think I tasted a hint of a Margarita, too (or two).
I would also like to take this opportunity to recap the past few months and offer reflection on my life outside the womb. Faithful readers and blog enthusiasts, where do I begin to continue my story? Oh yes: monkey business. Let me begin by telling you that I have lost all the hair on my back and shoulders that I was born with. Mom was pretty disgusted around Month Two when she found pieces of my back hair that had rubbed off and was stuck to my cradle mattress. But it's a relief knowing that I won't be going through life swinging from trees and dragging my knuckles on the ground. Here's an idea of what I'm talking about, for those of you who never got the 0pportunity to behold my glorious fur.

The photo above was taken on August 8, when I was five days old. And no, that's not a dark shadow cast across my shoulders; that's hair. The photo below was taken last night, after I completed a promotional trial of laser hair removal therapy (c'mon, we live in LA).

So as you can see, I've changed quite a bit. Most obvious to even the untrained eye, however, is my weight gain. To offer some perspective, here are BEFORE and AFTER photos of me in the same shirt. The fact that I've been wearing the same shirt for three months also gives you an idea of how inept Mom and Dad have been at buying me clothes that fit.

Some other updates of interest: I have started talking in full sentences and often in iambic pentameter, although no one seems to understand me except Lucy. We seem to share a common repertoire of demands: Feed me, cuddle me, clean up my poop! Lucy's list also includes, "scratch my butt," but I haven't asked for that yet.
I've also started smiling and laughing, but only when Mom and Dad are making fools of themselves dancing around me like beasts. Most importantly, I voted in the special elections last week. Every vote counts, and I helped make history by defeating all of our numbskull governor's ballot initiatives. Take THAT, Arnie. Afterwards, I let Lucy wear my "I voted" sticker.
On my eating progress, I upgraded a month ago from 4-ounce bottles to 8-ouncers. These new bottles are as tall as my legs, and Mom likes to wrap a brown paper bag around it when she feeds me in public. But that doesn't keep me from consuming any and all of what Mom and Dad put in them, whether it's formula or breastmilk. Heck, I'm not picky. I'm eating anywhere from 4 to 6 ounces each feeding, about 6 to 8 times a day, averaging about 34 ounces daily. I don't know why Mom and Dad don't just call it even and let me knock back the days with a cool tall forty.
They do let me watch the Lakers games on TV, though, and I even get the whole couch. Dad's been training me to be a potato (see left).
I'm starting to suck on things a lot, like my entire fist or Dad's knuckles (tastes like chicken), and whatever toys I can manage to hold onto and guide into my mouth. Mom and Dad bought me 14 new bibs over the weekend. There was some issue about how much drool-drenched laundry I generate, but I am so totally worth it!

I would also like to take this opportunity to recap the past few months and offer reflection on my life outside the womb. Faithful readers and blog enthusiasts, where do I begin to continue my story? Oh yes: monkey business. Let me begin by telling you that I have lost all the hair on my back and shoulders that I was born with. Mom was pretty disgusted around Month Two when she found pieces of my back hair that had rubbed off and was stuck to my cradle mattress. But it's a relief knowing that I won't be going through life swinging from trees and dragging my knuckles on the ground. Here's an idea of what I'm talking about, for those of you who never got the 0pportunity to behold my glorious fur.

The photo above was taken on August 8, when I was five days old. And no, that's not a dark shadow cast across my shoulders; that's hair. The photo below was taken last night, after I completed a promotional trial of laser hair removal therapy (c'mon, we live in LA).

So as you can see, I've changed quite a bit. Most obvious to even the untrained eye, however, is my weight gain. To offer some perspective, here are BEFORE and AFTER photos of me in the same shirt. The fact that I've been wearing the same shirt for three months also gives you an idea of how inept Mom and Dad have been at buying me clothes that fit.
This photo was taken when I was two weeks old:

And this one was taken a few days ago:

Some other updates of interest: I have started talking in full sentences and often in iambic pentameter, although no one seems to understand me except Lucy. We seem to share a common repertoire of demands: Feed me, cuddle me, clean up my poop! Lucy's list also includes, "scratch my butt," but I haven't asked for that yet.

On my eating progress, I upgraded a month ago from 4-ounce bottles to 8-ouncers. These new bottles are as tall as my legs, and Mom likes to wrap a brown paper bag around it when she feeds me in public. But that doesn't keep me from consuming any and all of what Mom and Dad put in them, whether it's formula or breastmilk. Heck, I'm not picky. I'm eating anywhere from 4 to 6 ounces each feeding, about 6 to 8 times a day, averaging about 34 ounces daily. I don't know why Mom and Dad don't just call it even and let me knock back the days with a cool tall forty.

I'm starting to suck on things a lot, like my entire fist or Dad's knuckles (tastes like chicken), and whatever toys I can manage to hold onto and guide into my mouth. Mom and Dad bought me 14 new bibs over the weekend. There was some issue about how much drool-drenched laundry I generate, but I am so totally worth it!
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Monday, October 10, 2005
To all my fans...

A big shout out to all my fans, and thanks for all your letters, emails, and phone calls. Many of you have requested that I update my blog, and I will do so soon, once I'm finished with my current growth spurt. Then I should have a little more time when I'm not eating, to provide an update on my most recent happenings. In the meantime, here's my glamour shot, taken by my friend Marta who is a fashion photographer here in LA. She usually shoots models and movie stars, so of course I was her next subject.
This was taken when I was one month old. I've plumped out a little bit (11 pounds, 10 ounces).
Next Male Supermodel
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
More pictures with Mom's family

Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Uncle Eric
Monday, August 22, 2005
More pictures with Grandma and Grandpa (of Mommy)

Sunday, August 21, 2005
Is that really my uncle?
Could someone who doesn't believe in the Lakers spirit, let alone in one particular player with my namesake, call himself my uncle?
Uncle Josh and Auntie Jo Lin came over to visit today (see pictures). When Uncle Josh read my blog, he and I didn't see eye-to-eye on something that cut to our understanding of some fundamental principles: he doesn't share in my belief that Devean George still has some potential on the team. OK, maybe he hasn't had displayed the brilliance everyone else expected from him...but he still has the chance to be the next stellar Laker role player.
I'm going to disregard the fact that Uncle Josh has cut me down before I've developed my mastery of my verbal skills. But I ask you one question: If you had a choice, would you rather have the name "Slava"? Huh, I didn't think so.
Uncle Josh and Auntie Jo Lin came over to visit today (see pictures). When Uncle Josh read my blog, he and I didn't see eye-to-eye on something that cut to our understanding of some fundamental principles: he doesn't share in my belief that Devean George still has some potential on the team. OK, maybe he hasn't had displayed the brilliance everyone else expected from him...but he still has the chance to be the next stellar Laker role player.
I'm going to disregard the fact that Uncle Josh has cut me down before I've developed my mastery of my verbal skills. But I ask you one question: If you had a choice, would you rather have the name "Slava"? Huh, I didn't think so.
Thursday, August 18, 2005
"And in THIS corner..."

Mom and Dad took me to the Pump Station today to pick up a couple things. Mom got herself a couple of those cool gel discs that's supposed to help give her some relief from my relentless chewing. But we also slipped in a chance to use their scale for free.
And so after two weeks, I weighed in at 7 pounds and 11 ounces! Woo-hoo, were Mom and Dad stoked! They say I'm supposed to be losing my ounce-age during the first couple weeks, but dang...I'm puttin' it on! Dad thought about putting me on a low-carb diet, but then realized that I don't really have much of a choice to eat what I want.
A few more of mommy's visitors came by today.
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Any suggestions for dry, flaky skin?
So to top off my hairy back and arms, ever since I made my grand entrance into this world, my skin's been peeling. Great, now I'm a tarantula. The ped said that I may have been overdue, because dry skin like mine is a sign that I've been inside a little too long. The flaky skin should go away in a couple weeks...even so, this sucks.
Check out today's pictures. Here's what Daddy shot:
Check out today's pictures. Here's what Daddy shot:
- Mommy's friend Judith stopped by today.
- Grandma started making jal-tzu (boiled dumplings)...and what do I have to look forward to? Exciting breast milk...EVERY DAY!
- The view from outside my window
Monday, August 15, 2005
I don't think Lucy's very happy about me...
...because I may be stealing all the attention. She just seems to be spending more and more time at the office.
And on an unrelated note, Daddy got a kick out of this little video.
And on an unrelated note, Daddy got a kick out of this little video.
Sunday, August 14, 2005
More visitors!

Thursday, August 11, 2005
Goin' on a trip!
Mommy and Daddy wanted to visit the hospital to drop off some gifts to all the terrific nurses who helped me find my way...oh, and to take care of one minor errand: MY BIRTH CERTIFICATE! Can you believe they waited until *the last day* to fill this thing out? Here are the day's pictures.
I also had a little "accident" in the car, so Mommy got her first chance to change my diaper in the back seat! She's gonna get good at this, I can just feel it.
I also had a little "accident" in the car, so Mommy got her first chance to change my diaper in the back seat! She's gonna get good at this, I can just feel it.
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Mostly dozing (that's what I do)...
...I even slept right through the visitor who came by with the strange mouth. Check out the pictures.
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
My first trip to the doctor's office

And here's a nice short video of me chillin' like a villain.
Monday, August 08, 2005
Feeding and sleeping...

Sunday, August 07, 2005

I especially like the shots of Grandma (Daddy's side) waving a finger at Lucy-dog. Grandma doesn't really like animals.
And look at the picture of my ear...

The crib ain't too bad. The place sounded a lot bigger from within utero, but this'll do.
Saturday, August 06, 2005
I'm goin' home...WOO HOO!

Grandma (Mommy's side) arrived today and came to help take me home too. Boy was *she* excited to see me! Here are some pictures...
Friday, August 05, 2005
Feelin' pretty darn good...

The doc gave me the a-OK to go home, but Mom had to stick around for another night...though Mom had a relatively mild labor, her recovery has been a kinda rough on her body. Boy, do I feel lousy over what I put her through. Daddy has been taking real good care of her, and has been most *excellent*! :-)
But "AHHHH..." I got treated like a king today! As Tom Sogi would say, "Is this the life or what?" Look at these pictures, and you'll see what I mean.
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
We're live!

I was born 07:26 August 3rd, 2005 - 6 lbs, 15 oz and 20 inches long! Man, any idea what it's like floating in amni fluid for nine months? Pretty wet. And ahhhh, such relief to STTTTRRRETCHHHH! I've been doing a lot of that lately.
Check out the pictures of me on my first day out with Mom and Dad!
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